DebEspace Duo is a Duo husband & wife team David Elthalion on electric guitar & Deb Elthalion on vocals & acustic guitar.
We call it Skullrock but its kinda punk with melodys
David & Deb got marrid down by law on 26th April 1991.
their first band together was called TOTENTANZ
Their second band together was called LOST IN SPACE.
Their third band together was called THE EFT
They also had a short time with thir 4th band together
This 5th band DebEspace Duo has become just the 2 of them.
we have been playing in pubs this year 2011 starting with the Royal wedding gig in Brighton.
Also played the Crooked Billet in Penge, & the Livity school fete is next week. we try to not play the wrong song at the wrong time keeping it clean for children & school fetes.
the songs created by DebEspace Duo are all original skullrock songs