Jeff Kratzman - Songs

58 top 50
91 songs
135K plays
Picture for song 'Missing Your Kisses' by artist 'Jeff Kratzman - Songs'

Missing Your Kisses

Power Pop Collaboration

Dave Rosky /collab #6 in Alt-Pop

Picture for song 'Only Time Will Tell' by artist 'Jeff Kratzman - Songs'

Only Time Will Tell

Sparse guitar song about getting old in a relationship

#17 in Smooth R&B

Picture for song 'Sleeping With An Angel' by artist 'Jeff Kratzman - Songs'

Sleeping With An Angel

Catchy Acoustic Pop

Dave Rosky /collab #1 in Trap-Pop

Picture for song 'One Horse Town' by artist 'Jeff Kratzman - Songs'

One Horse Town

Americana song with acoustic and two electric. Electric Leads done on a Gibson Melody Maker

Dave Rosky /collab #3 in Americana

Picture for song 'A Change in the Wind' by artist 'Jeff Kratzman - Songs'

A Change in the Wind

12 string with dobo-ish fills. Jeff did the 12 string and Dave added the slide parts.

Dave Rosky /collab Americana 96 BPM No samples


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