J-dot B aka "dIZZY"
3 Purchasing options:
(1) LEASING: Price $5, how does this work? You get to use it for ONLY one commercial profitable purpose (mixtapes, radio play, live shows, etc). You cannot make any changes to the instrumental or resell your rights. If you do decide to use it to make profit later, you must contact me and purchase a exclusive or semi-exclusive. I can still resell the instrumental to any person(s) or company(s).
When a beat is purchased for leasing you will receive the beat through your email with TOP quality mp3. (192 birate MP3)
(2) SEMI-EXCLUSIVE: Price $35, how does this work? You got the right to use the instrumental for all profitable purposes purpose (albums, mixtapes, radio play, live shows, etc). Your rights cannot be sold or transferred to another person or company. I can still resell the instrumental to any person(s) or company(s).
When a beat is purchased for semi-exclusives you can receive the beat through email or on a data cd...tracked out for studio purposes, whatever format you like.
(3) EXCLUSIVE: Price $100 - $200, how does this work? You got the right to do whatever you like with the instrumentals. You also become the owner of the instrumental. However you cannot resell or transfer ownership, only one owner.
When a beat is purchased for exclusive rights you’ll receive the beat on a data cd and tracked out for studio purposes all in .wav files. hit me up if ur interested in purchasing.. or look me up on facebook..
(Jeremy Brown) lexington sr. high school north carolina 07'