Pardon? How can I interview me?
Some streets are better than others? Some highways are brighter than others. Time of day, find a state of mind, imagination, TV, 1920s. I write about love, lost or found, hopefully honestly inspired by love, and try to play better for that. When younger protested about behaviours on my radar, and of course, being a simple artist, surfing the great times I imagine I had in another life, or maybe one day this one!
Grateful the appeal of blues and blues chords since I was in my 20s, I've been gratefully online since around 2000. I don't think I have a wealth of any natural talent and my blues is homemade so I practise every day.
As a busker, yeh, you could say that. I recently had a licence for 2022, was awesome. Gotta watch out for drunks.
Life. Honestly. If I was a better guitar player maybe Rolling Stones. I like everything from chill to Tangerine Dream to old blues to new blues to modern rock to pan pipes. Fan of Ed Kuepper, Oasis, AC/DC, many many others.
Odd old guitars, mostly nylon strings though steel suits sometimes. Learning to play better at present, or at least, trying not to overwhelm myself and stay positive. I use available programs such as Audacity, Convertio, Garage Band, Quicktime, etc.
Folley? Reverb. Thankyou.