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Apocalypse Prospect

Apocalypse Prospect

Apocalypse Prospect is a fast paced technical heavy metal style with crushing vocals and lots of melody.

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10 songs
1.2K plays
Picture for song 'Newest song idea aug. 2012' by artist 'Apocalypse Prospect'

Newest song idea aug. 2012

Not a final version.. I'm gonna play around with synth and bass to see if the guitars work..
Picture for song 'Hangover (Code Red).mp3' by artist 'Apocalypse Prospect'

Hangover (Code Red).mp3

From my old band "Numbskull". Just uploaded it for fun.
Picture for song 'Apocalypse Prospect - I.J.I.A.E.M..mp3' by artist 'Apocalypse Prospect'

Apocalypse Prospect - I.J.I.A.E.M..mp3

Internal Judgement Is An Eternal Mindset.
Picture for song 'Jumpgate (No vox yet..)' by artist 'Apocalypse Prospect'

Jumpgate (No vox yet..)

First release off the upcoming album.
Picture for song 'Sonic 1 Medley (Unfinished)' by artist 'Apocalypse Prospect'

Sonic 1 Medley (Unfinished)

Just something I was working on in my spare time while playing with samples and keyboard effects.. Didn't get to finish it yet but here's what I got so far.
This is the current project I am working on.. It started from my drummer (Kelly Leutschaft) and I writing stuff together in 2010 and has turned into what is now called "Apocalypse Prospect". It's now my solo project but I still get help from Kelly with drum beats and patterns.
Band/artist history
Prior to this project I have been in a few other bands.. "Numbskull", "Sin", "Tattletale" none of which really made it very far at all. This is my attempt at a different approach I guess.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
Currently not playing live and don't really plan to.. but if there was enough demand I might put something together in the future.
Your musical influences
Devin Townsend is a huge influence, that guy is a genius... aside from him, pretty much any band that is fist pumping and devil horns heavy.. oh and video game music is a huge influence too. Phillipe Vachey is amazing!
What equipment do you use?
My main guitar right now is a ESP LTD EC-1000 Deluxe (lefty) I use a Mesa triple rectifier 150 watt half-stack with minimal pedals, usually just my Boss NS-2 noise suppressor and sometimes a compressor. I have been using Guitar Rig 4 lately for recording because it's way more practical for recording. I use Superior Drummer 2 and some expansion packs for it for the drums for right now.
Anything else?
With this album I am going to try to make 12 very diverse songs while at the same time having a signature sound that's very distinguishable. I'm not a fan of those boring (every song sounds the same) albums that bands are throwing out lately as fast as they can. I have tonnes of material right now, more than a full albums worth. I'll make a post whenever a new song finished. HORNS WAY UP!
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