Kelvin Gilmore The Traken

100 songs
8.0K plays
Picture for song 'Where My Dawgs @!!!!!!!!! feat Dmx' by artist 'Kelvin Gilmore The Traken'

Where My Dawgs @!!!!!!!!! feat Dmx

Beats with Hooks

Picture for song 'Trap-ville Ga' by artist 'Kelvin Gilmore The Traken'

Trap-ville Ga

Beats General

Picture for song 'Weekend Nights (Housewives of Atlanta New Theme)' by artist 'Kelvin Gilmore The Traken'

Weekend Nights (Housewives of Atlanta New Theme)

Beats General

Picture for song 'New Love & Hiphop ATL "Theme"' by artist 'Kelvin Gilmore The Traken'

New Love & Hiphop ATL "Theme"

New Love & Hiphop ATL "Theme"

Beats General

Picture for song 'Trap Goddess' by artist 'Kelvin Gilmore The Traken'

Trap Goddess

New Trap Beat

Beats General


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