Aaron Mann Covers
top 50

Wicked Game
My Dad is accompanying me on the piano while I play guitar and sing. I've always felt a deep connection to this song and wanted to share my spin on it. Thanks for listening.

Respect & Validation
Original song with my Dad on Piano and Flute. Lyrics written and sung by Aaron Mann.

You Are My Sunshine
I wanted to tribute this song to my dear friend Trish Solomon. You inspired me in more ways then you could imagine. Recorded this with my Dad, Martan Mann on the piano. We used band in a box to edit this track and fill in instruments.

The Ocean

Cover of Nat King Cole's "LOVE" song performed by Aaron Mann (Vocals) and Martan Mann (pianist and band editor).
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Comments (2)
Expressive jazzy piano and classic vocals makes this a gem of a song. Enjoyed.
Nice rendition to a very iconic jazz ballad. Enjoyed listening to this.
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