J. Hulaton

4 top 50
13 songs
2.1K plays
Picture for song 'Overture for the Finicky' by artist 'J. Hulaton'

Overture for the Finicky

A client wanted a short piece written for full orchestra in the style of JW. A mock-up was due the next day. Got it done on time but the client changed his mind and wanted "something Latin." Tears were not an option.


Picture for song 'Club Kureya' by artist 'J. Hulaton'

Club Kureya

Genre? Who knows? I wrote a tune for a commercial after taking a lesson from a protege of Clare Fischer. I've often wondered what would a dance piece sound like if Clare Fischer wrote it. This is the closest I could come to it.


Picture for song 'Magic Woman' by artist 'J. Hulaton'

Magic Woman

This tune was supposed to be for a cosmetic company video. They wanted "something sweet and innocent sounding." This was rejected because it was "too sweet." Ad guys! They're also why I don't write scores until the MIDI mock-ups are approved.


Picture for song 'Larissa' by artist 'J. Hulaton'


I wrote this for a video project, but the real inspiration was a picture a friend sent me from Almaty, Kazakhstan where she and her family went on an outing in the country. A fine recorder player, Victor Eijkhout, played solo on this.


Picture for song 'Whidbey Island' by artist 'J. Hulaton'

Whidbey Island

The Port of Seattle Tourism Office invited a group of media people from Osaka to go to Seattle to create PR materials. I composed this piece as a score for a film a cinematographer made of Whidbey Island, a truly beautiful place.

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