J. Hulaton

Overture for the Finicky
A client wanted a short piece written for full orchestra in the style of JW. A mock-up was due the next day. Got it done on time but the client changed his mind and wanted "something Latin." Tears were not an option.

Club Kureya
Genre? Who knows? I wrote a tune for a commercial after taking a lesson from a protege of Clare Fischer. I've often wondered what would a dance piece sound like if Clare Fischer wrote it. This is the closest I could come to it.

Magic Woman
This tune was supposed to be for a cosmetic company video. They wanted "something sweet and innocent sounding." This was rejected because it was "too sweet." Ad guys! They're also why I don't write scores until the MIDI mock-ups are approved.

I wrote this for a video project, but the real inspiration was a picture a friend sent me from Almaty, Kazakhstan where she and her family went on an outing in the country. A fine recorder player, Victor Eijkhout, played solo on this.

Whidbey Island
The Port of Seattle Tourism Office invited a group of media people from Osaka to go to Seattle to create PR materials. I composed this piece as a score for a film a cinematographer made of Whidbey Island, a truly beautiful place.