Blues Allstars

Stikmen,Matt Thorpe,Jasper Mills, Paul Cummings,Kevin Paul,John Cohmer,Scott Durflinger,Doc. Internet blues band formed on 10 years ago

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16 songs
32.4K plays
Picture for song 'MP3 Blues AllStars - Rollin' Pin Blues' by artist 'Blues Allstars'

MP3 Blues AllStars - Rollin' Pin Blues

Blues General

Picture for song 'Rollin_Pin_Blues' by artist 'Blues Allstars'


The first ever MP3.COM blues collaboration. Warren Von Kruck, Jack Falk,Ric Arra, Kevin Paul, Shakey T,Roy Cox and company pitched in on mostly dial up internet connections to mix this one for the ages. See story behind song.

Blues General

Picture for song 'Blow Wind Blow' by artist 'Blues Allstars'

Blow Wind Blow

The song features tj gerencser on whorehouse piano, Larry Tater Megill on harp, Kevin Paul on guitar and vocals, John Cohmer on bass, Paul Cummins and Scott Durflinger on rhythm guitar.

Blues General

Picture for song 'Storms A Comin' by artist 'Blues Allstars'

Storms A Comin

Bill House (Lead Solo 2, Ryhthm Guitars), Bob Huston (Solo Guitar 1, Ryhthm), Matt Thorpe (Solo Guitar 3), Kevin STIK Paul (Solo Guitar 4), Ironman Mike Curtis (Bass, Harp, Guitar), tj gerencser (organ).

Blues General

Picture for song 'One Hand In My Pocket' by artist 'Blues Allstars'

One Hand In My Pocket

Mike Curtis(Vocal,Harp,Bass)Bill House, Paul Cummins,Matt Thorpe,Scott Durfinger(wah wah),John Cohmer (slide), & Bob Huston all playing guitars and TJ Gerencser on keyboard.

Blues General

Band/artist history
In 1999, a group of musicians "got together" and "virtually" recorded a song. Without ever having met, completely over the internet, this collaborative effort became known as the "MP3 Blues AllStars". This initial recording, a single track entitled "Rollin' Pin", was to be the spark that spurred hundreds of collaborations from like minded players. It became evident that through the friendships and music being created, that one day, some of these self-same players would meet up and create music in a more traditional method. We are pleased to offer you the Blues AllStars live in Nashville, Tennessee ... "The Nashville Sessions".
Have you performed in front of an audience?
The Nashville Sessions
Your musical influences
Muddy Waters, BB King, Allman Brothers,Albert Collins, Eric Clapton, Gary Moore and many..many more....
What equipment do you use?
Recorded in studio using G4 and Protools on an analog board. All tracks were then burnt to CD and taken to Manchester, England and edited and mastered by Matt Thorpe using the latest digital recording software and technics.
Anything else?
BAND MEMBERS John (Jasper Mills) Cohmer ... Ohio, USA Songwriter, Guitar, Slide & Bass Paul (Hookman) Cummins ... California, USA - Guitar & Mayor of Bluestown Ironman Mike Curtis ... California, USA - Guitar, Bass, Blues Harp & Vocals Scott Durflinger ... Ohio, USA - Songwriter & Guitar tj gerencser ... Nova Scotia, Canada - Organ, Piano & Rhodes Bob Huston ... Tennessee, USA - Songwriter, Guitar & Vocals Bill House ... California, USA - Songwriter, Guitar & Bass Larry (Tater) Megill ... Tennesse, USA - Blues Harp & Nashville Host Kevin "Stik" Paul ... Illinois, USA - Songwriter, Guitar & Vocals Doc Quinn - Mistabluesman ... Paris, Texas USA - Songwriter, Guitar & Vocals Matt Thorpe ... Manchester, England - Guitar, Producer


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