Alfonso Baro

68 top 1
818 top 50
1.8K songs
62.1K plays
Picture for song 'Canción para Antonio (master)' by artist 'Alfonso Baro'

Canción para Antonio (master)

#1 in Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Al tiempo (master)' by artist 'Alfonso Baro'

Al tiempo (master)

#2 in Pop Rock

Picture for song 'Si la voluntad despierta (master)' by artist 'Alfonso Baro'

Si la voluntad despierta (master)

Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'A todo lo que veo (master)' by artist 'Alfonso Baro'

A todo lo que veo (master)

Acoustic Folk

Picture for song 'Vivir sin miedo (master)' by artist 'Alfonso Baro'

Vivir sin miedo (master)

Acoustic Folk


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