Loud Youth

Loud Youth is a hardcore punk band from Danbury CT.

3 songs
72 plays
Picture for song 'Negative Views' by artist 'Loud Youth'

Negative Views

Fast punk, all that sh** .


Picture for song 'Supreme Court' by artist 'Loud Youth'

Supreme Court

Another fast punk song, all that shiiiiiit


Picture for song 'LGFASOTGH' by artist 'Loud Youth'


a sorta moderate tempo song, funny ending, and humorous song altogether.


We're Loud Youth. We formed in 2007 after listening to old local hardcore from like 85-ish [Connecticut Fun Compilation]. We got signed on the same label that put out that CD [spooky coincidence] and we just love playing music. Most fun thing ever. Members: Evan Roberts - Vocals Sam Moore - Drums Will Moore - Bass Chris Rubits - Guitar Ex-members: Eddie Raymond - guitar [played from Aug 2009 - Feb 2010]
Band/artist history
So much shit happened over the years haha.
Have you performed in front of an audience?
We play live wherever we can get shows, but we mostly play in CT or NY just because it's close.
Your musical influences
Big Boys, Adolescents, Black Flag (Reyes era), Germs, Minor Threat, JFA, RKL, Dead Kennedys, Government Warning, 76%Uncertain, Flipper, Circle Jerks, Adrenalin O.D., A.N.S., Bones Brigade, D.R.I., skateboarding, horror movies, Nintendo games, destruction, pissing of neighbors, throwing rocks at street signs and getting chased by angry rednecks [true story], getting yelled at by some Christian lady for being too loud [also true], and food.
What equipment do you use?
Crazy shit.
Anything else?
Start a band and have fun. Skate or try.

Loud Youth

Danbury, CT  USA

Rock Punk

id: 1005552


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